I bet almost every single person right now is saying BOTH!
I definitely said both when I wanted to started my business called JadeBrey Designs which I was and am very passionate about. But with the passion, I wanted to make at least a bit of money too. I mean what's wrong with wanting to make money from your business? How else are you going to pay bills and buy wine for Friday night movie night stay in?
HOWEVER, some business ventures are not aimed at making a large amount of money, rather their reward comes from aiding people in some way or changing a part of life for the better or simply because it is a dream that yearns to be fulfilled.
So the question lingers:
Should you start a business for Money or Passion?
Before you answer this I want you to take a deep breathe in and out. Take a few more. Now, without anyone else's voice in your head, think about what YOU want the answer to be!
Always be honest with yourself when it comes to what you want.
Peeps, I'm going to take a load of your thoughts and be upfront here:- Whether you say passion or money or both, there's no right or wrong answer!
So if you said money, and even though you may be concerned that people will give you disgusting, judgmental looks for wanting to start a business for the sole purpose of bringing in the Benjamins, I can say, hey that's OK and screw them. It doesn't mean you are greedy. What makes you greedy is IF you act like a greedy moron by being unethical, impolite, stealing, and focused more on money than people's needs and wants.
People who want to start a business for money have their own personal reasons as to why and that's fine.
But what happens if you want to start a business for money and you have the opportunity to start a venture that you know will be successful and you will get rewarded handsomely with dollars, but you have NO passion for it?
What should you do?
If YOU are the type that lives for the thrill of seeing your work come to fruition, then you definitely need a business that you can be passionate about!!!
A business you have been dreaming of!
Otherwise chances are, you won't succeed.
However, if your main objective is to make money and if you are the type that can produce a business that you know is not and has never been a goal of yours, yet you are capable of starting, running, being dedicated and resilient at it, even if it takes months to make money but you know after some time you'll gain significant financial reward from it, and you still want to pursue it, then go ahead.
In other words, if you are someone who can start a business and stick to it, without having any initial passion, but you know you will make money and your goal is to make money then you should choose this path. Especially if this path will bring you peace of mind and bliss!
Wanting to start a business with the sole purpose of making money is not a bad thing. You need money to pay bills, take care of yourself, take care of family, invest in your future and retirement, buy a house so that you do not have to pay rent your whole life, etc.
Large amount of money |
Just ensure that you stay humble, kind, focused, happy and are able to stick to what you want or need. Remind yourself that you are gaining the monetary value you desire from your business. The way to do this, is to keep your customers happy and give them what they want. So don't get lost in the route of wanting money only and forget about the needs of your clients. They matter too!
Now for those of you who said Passion. This is something you said because for you, this the dream you've had your whole life or for most of your life. The dream that gets your creative juices flowing! If you are the type that wants your work to feel like pleasure, then without a doubt, you need some form of ecstasy from it. (C'mon, you know what ecstasy I'm talking about!)
You won't be happy working otherwise.
I started JadeBrey Designs, which is an online invites, print and games store because I was so passionate about it! This was my dream for years and years and finally two weeks ago it came true! Whooohooo!
Yes, my store is only two weeks old now as I write this but I am loving every minute of it! Even the minutes where I have to do the non creative but vital stuff (and which aren't my strongest points), like marketing and web design and SEO learning and reading up all the legal aspects of things; all of these don't seem too bad when I do them though, because it's my passion that drives me.
When you love your business, it makes it a bit easier to stay focused and devoted to it.
Also when you are passionate about your venture you tend to be more creative and think out the box, which makes your business stand out and this itself can play a part in success. For example with JadeBrey Designs, I wanted to create quotes and prints that people hardly saw but would love and want. It was then easier for me to think, create and produce different, unique prints, simply because of the desire I had to design and make people happy through my work. My creative juices were flowing and still are, but it wouldn't be if I didn't have a love for art and people!
My happiness List. A print designed by me and custom made for each person. In other words I design the list according to what makes YOU happy. :) |
If you want to start a business for passion and not so much for money go ahead!
The reward you receive will come in the form of self-fulfillment, helping others, making a difference in this world, producing smiles, achieving your dreams etc and this reward can be just as great if not greater than money.
BUT if you want to start a business for passion (or even just for money) yet you also can't afford to lose out on a month's payment, then try working at a job where you get paid monthly, whether it be a full or part time job. Have your business augment on the side until it grows to the point where you making so much money of it, you can say goodbye to working for someone else.
That's the route many people take and it can get tiring and overwhelming at times, I mean you may walk out your house carrying your cat instead of your handbag because you are so tired from working, but it's very much worth it when you make your dream a reality!
Sidenote: Please make sure to always take time out to relax! OK?!!
Not all businesses will make a comfortable portion of money immediately. It can take months and months, even years! So don't ever be discouraged.
Also not every business will bring in the same amount of earnings. Some business fields have proven to bring in much more profit than others. This should also play a factor for your decision when choosing why you want to start a business.
So there you have it. I hope this helped you in some way if you were wondering whether to start your business for money or passion. Like I said, there's no right or wrong answer. Just be honest with yourself on what you want and what you want to achieve with the business.
Also remember, it's imperative, whether you choose to start a business for money, passion or both; to NEVER give up! Even if you start a business for passion, it's the passion that can help drive you to succeed and you can make plenty of money this way too!
Whatever reason you choose for your business, stick with it if you truly believe in your business and yourself, and be devoted to constantly marketing and improving it.
Two of the most lucrative small business are: 1. Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping. 2. Website Design
(Both of which one can have a great passion for!)
Some of the businesses people are more passionate about rather than money driven are:
Online Dating Consultant
Being a dance instructor
(And with these, you can also make tons of money!)
Either way, choose what's best for you and what you need.
Happy ventures!
PS: If you are interested in viewing the happiness list or would love to get it for yourself or as a gift (it makes a rocking gift) then I will leave a link below:
Interesting read! I was honest with myself when starting my new blog and had in mind that I wanted to make money from it at the start - it definitely keeps me motivated and reminds me why I'm doing it! x
ReplyDeleteThanks! I am so glad it helped :) Keep persevering.