It all started on the 1st of May, when a message was delivered to me on a silver platter along with Turkish Delight and a white candle. (Ok fine, I lie, the message was emailed to me in word document.)
But nevertheless, I would like to think that as a life detective (aka blogger), I can take any problem, add in a few facts, find some evidence and SOLVE it timeously! Especially in relation to ways one could benefit their career goals.
Which brings me back to the 1st of May when the "problem" announced itself. Turns out that as from this month, and due to lockdown, everyone at my company I work for, including me, will now be working part time for a short duration or until everyone is allowed outside again. (We were all working full time prior.)
Of course the above was completely understandable! But it meant an adjustment in my time, my salary, my routine, working hours and staying home etc and this was all new territory for me - seeing as I had been working full time for the past ten years straight and during my lunch breaks I worked on my personal writing and designing. But now, how was I going to adjust and focus from that long term routine I had developed?
That there was a puzzle that needed my mental touch.
So I gathered my facts and evidence, moved the puzzle pieces around and around and around and then finally saw a happy result! I still had a chance to go to work, meet up with my amazing friends and colleagues, enjoy the job I love doing there, and then on the days I would be home I could focus on my career dreams of writing and opening up an online graphic design store (which I hope to launch soon. Yay!).
All the pieces of the puzzle began to fit in perfectly together - like bangers and mash or coffee with cream.
Until I realised working from home 24/7, took a lot more dedication than I thought! But through my trial and error, and reading and reviewing others trial and errors, I came up with a list of:
How To Benefit Your Career Goals During Lockdown - Things NOT To Do.
All of this would apply if you're in the same situation or similar one as mine or even if you're a bossbabe / creative working full time from home.
So here we go:
Just don't do it! I made that mistake the first two days I was off - call it arrogance on my part thinking I could sleep in late - but it came back to bite me in the damn ass. I had lost a total of four hours in two days! Imagine throwing four hours away when you could be utilizing that time to create!
According to earth, the average working hours is 8 to 9 hours a day, so set that time for working when at home and not for sleeping. Don't forget to allow a lunch and tea break in between. And even if you prefer getting up late and sleeping later, stick to giving yourself enough hours to achieve your goals.
Just for the duration of your work time. You don't need to know that Sue baked another amazing banana bread and is thinking of opening a banana bread You Tube channel. Nor do you need to discuss the latest feud between Johnny and Amber. You also don't need to know what everyone's (updated) favourite movie and series are or feel the need to watch every Tik Tok video. That can all wait until you're done with work. (Wow, I sound like my mum!)
Leave some time for play, any house work, bonding with friends and family online or with those staying with you. Also give yourself time to enjoy your OWN activities and relax or watch Tiger King. 'Cos really, if you burn out, you won't have the energy to focus on your goals.
Guilty! I can get into zombie mode when I write. Even if there was a murder committed in front of me, I would hardly stir if my writing or designing juices were flowing. In fact, there's been many a time when after sitting for hours at my PC, I stand up, only to realise I can't feel my knees which leads me to cave into the stool next to my table followed by a resounding "Ouch" or "Fuuuuuuuuuu*kkk!"
(Why the hell I don't remove that stool, I don't know.) But my point is, get up every now and then and stretch your limbs. You won't be able to work at your best pace if your body is aching and blood isn't flowing properly.
Unless you don't have a choice, this option isn't good. Your pillow will call you to sleep and also you will create heavy strain on your back with that sitting posture. Rather set up your laptop or PC on a table, get a chair, cushions, maybe a nice scented candle and work away! Try your best to work from the most isolated spot in your living situation.
However if your house is a busy, noisy house and there's less space, claim a room for yourself for a few hours or wait until the most quieter hours to work. Like when the rest of the household is taking a nap or watching TV in the lounge.
It is a pandemic yes and it's an extremely serious matter. One that will take months and months to recover from in terms of human losses, heartbreak, mental health and the economy being hit so harshly. Almost every person on this planet has been affected in some adverse way with the Corona Virus - BUT I am holding onto hope that the current vaccines being worked on will prove to be a solution or that other possible, effective treatments will soon materialize and the world can safely hug again. Until that time continue working towards your goals and dreams.
Even if you started it during lockdown. Each day you work at it, is a step closer towards achieving your passion.
And if the law currently restricts you from performing you dream, for instance being a travel blogger which you can't do at the moment, then research and read and spend some time expanding your mind. Read or watch success stories, or listen to podcasts that talk about success, how to save for your business, business building tips, writing tips, marketing etc. These are all the vital ingredients you will need anyway for your goals so utilize this time productively.
What I mean is, think outside the box when it comes to ways you can benefit your career goals and keep your business running. This can also help with those needing to make sideline money during lockdown.
Example, if your goal is tutoring or being a personal trainer, and you can't teach or train face to face, make a video or script a manuel so that you can continue with your goals.
This could also open up some new and interesting ideas and avenues on approaching your dream.
For those who had to close their business during lockdown, spend some time marketing your business for when it opens again, or writing about it, or showcasing your experiences of how and why you started your business etc. You can also explore new ways of running the business once it's up again.
A final word:
Using lockdown time to benefit your goals, that's if you can, can be rewarding. But never force yourself to overwork, stress too much or worry about the future during this crisis if the mental strain is taking its toll on you. Don't feel bad either for feeling this way. You are NOT alone if you're scared, stressed or worried right now. Many people are experiencing this but sadly, not all will admit it.
So please take it one day at a time, schedule plenty of time out to relax if you need to, talk to friends and family if you are feeling despondent and all in all look after your mental health! That's the MOST important thing.
Always be good to yourself and this may sound cheesy and cliche but I really believe it to be true - You will be OK!
So there we go. Another challenging but enjoyable puzzle solved.
Speaking of fun, I'm going to end of with some fun facts:
- A whopping 47% of people who work from home say that they are satisfied with the way they live and work.
- 82% of people who work from home said that their stress levels have lowered.
- One of the main reasons people say they prefer working from home is to avoid commuting. And hey, this helps the environment too!
So happy working towards your goals - from home!
These are such great tips. We are actually out of lockdown (for now, hopefully, we will stay that way), but it was not an easy adjustment, finding the right way to manage it all. But we realized early on that keeping a set routine will keep us all sane:)